Kiznaiver BD Batch
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googling “niiyama nico” with safesearch off
As you may have heard, Boom Boom Satellites singer Kawashima Michiyuki died earlier this month. His bandmate Nakano Masayuki wrote that Kawashima was now soaring around the world, finally freed from the restrictions of his body. “His passing is not a tragedy, but the achievement of a lifetime goal and a happy ending”. Let’s hope that is true.
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dark with excessive bright
Last time we released a BD, Clinton was president. Next time we release a BD, Clinton will be president… again?! We live in postmodern times.
The dialogue script has been updated, and the opening and ending KFX as well as the typesetting have been reworked. The encode, needless to say, is beautiful.
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We now know the name of the emotion we felt that day
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And thus ends yet another incredible journey. While I would love to give a lecture on the show here, it is neither the time nor place to do so. We thank you for watching the show properly, given the care from each of us that it deserves to give you the best experience possible. And if you liked it, then stick around a bit for the upcoming Wixoss movie BDs and new series. We’re excited for the next chapter to come. Thanks again for sharing in this pain and journey with us.
Staff List:
Mutilation: Crunchyroll (1-12)
Translation Checking: Akatsukin (1-12)
Editing: Ianu (1-12)
Timing: Ianu (1-12)
Typesetting: Ephemere (1-12)
Encoding: joletb (1), vinylfreak89 (2-12)
Quality Checking: Akatsukin (1-2,4-12), Ianu (3), joletb (1,12)
Song Styling: joletb, Akatsukin
Song Translation: Akatsukin
kiz coast represent
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Pay attention to the parallels to the first episode. Flying Witch 11 didn’t air yesterday, so naturally we couldn’t sub it; we don’t have the technology yet. Expect a whale of a double episode (and a bit of a delay) plus the final episode of Kiznaiver next weekend.
Aka: Also naturally, we released this episode much later than we usually do. More time to finish obviously means more time to delay. I was going to wax poetic just now, but I believe in all of you and your ability to understand. After all, we’ve been connected this whole time through our subs.
The sky is so deep, and so, so depressingly blue
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How do you react among people with whom your secrets have all been revealed? The tenth episode is often special in a unique way. Let’s find out if Kiznaiver is the same.