Happy New Year!
Winter plans and more BDs soonish.
Links are deprecated due to the NyaaTorrents shutdown, please visit this post for a batched release with new links.
That was faster than I expected. It’s got v2’s and stuff so you get to redownload all the massive grainy episodes!
EDIT: Here’s a patch for episode 8 (it failed to upload properly resulting in a couple of corrupted frames and one missing line from the .ass) Patch
Make sure that the 08v2 is in the same directory as the patch, then just run apply_patch.bat and you should get [Asenshi] Jormungand – 08v3 [3EA4C85B].mkv in a couple of minutes.
Group comment time!
I didn’t think I would watch this show. Luckily it turned out to be one of the better ones. I really hope there isn’t as much grain (or any) in the next season because these took forever for me to DL.
Time time time time to attack!
This show is fucking awesome.
Staff credits in a bit.