You can bet I would
Thus, the importance of what is said and what is not becomes clear. We’re really in the meat of things now, and the untranslatable puns™ keep getting more difficult to integrate easily. With all these visual metaphors, subtle hints, and unknowable foreshadowing, how is one to keep up? Well, that’s just par for Ikuhara’s course. Couple things to mention this time.
Tooi and Chikai
Their names mean far and near, respectively.
I want to soba you
And here we go. Soba (蕎麦) is buckwheat noodles, and the food shown throughout the episode. Soba (側) means next to, so “そばにいたい” means “I want to stay by you”. We did our best, but regardless of how so badly we wanted to integrate it, it’s nigh impossible. In other words, just learn moon.
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Erratum: The episode title was the major fix here. It was supposed to be “I’m not by your side” instead of “I want to stay by you”. While that may sound like the opposite (and it is), in Japanese it’s the difference of only a single character. They did a last minute swap on me and I missed it.