Chugging along with the speed of the 2015 NBA Finals Cavs offense.
The original timestamp for this post reads June 29. I’m awfully, awfully sorry about the wait; we had to find a replacement for our replacement typesetter. Please don’t forget to include fara_ujde in your evening prayers.
We hope to deliver the final four episodes in a more timely fashion!
Thank you for the release~
Thank you! ^_^
Thank you for the release!
Hail fara!! orz
Long overdue delay is best delay. Thanks for the release!
I also see that nyaa found a new way to bypass adblock
Sorry for offtopic, but:
Awww~ Guys, you are not available from Russia… Seems like your IP locked by our government.
We’re clearly too dangerous for the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.
lol yeah!
For some reason they did not like one of the sites on this hosting, maybe not your.